About Me

Hello there, and thank you for visiting!

My name is Adam King, I am a software engineer living in Chicago. I attended the University of Chicago and graduated in 2018 with a Bachelor of Arts in Economics. My interest in software engineering and computer science stems from an early fascination with science fiction. Bradbury, Clarke, and Asimov were the most notable authors who sparked my interest in technology - among others. From their stories, I always believed that technology could and should be used to create a better future. I am excited by working on new and innovative technologies and for companies doing great things. If you would like to contact me - please click on the navigation bar above.

Technical Skills


JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Node.js, Express, Sequelize, React, Redux, React-Redux, Electron, Git, Mocha/Chai


Python, pandas, NumPy, jQuery, Gatsby, Bootstrap, PostgreSQL, VBA, Jasmine, Heroku, GraphQL, OAuth, Socket.io, Passport, Travis



Pitche is a web-based React/Redux application that allows users to practice an interview, pitch, or any video speech. You record a video which is processed in real-time and results are given to you based on various metrics (emotional sentiment, vocal speed, filler world analysis, most used word) once you finish. Your data analytics are displayed and saved so you can work toward perfecting your presentation, pitch, or interview before giving it.

Doctor Pup

Doctor Pup is a functional eCommerce website built for adopting dogs and selling dog-related health products. It was created using React/Redux as well as OAuth, Passport, Node, Express, Sequelize, and PostgreSQL.

Guessing Game

Guessing Game is a simple but fun guessing game built with JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, and CSS.

Alma Matter
Alma Matter

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© 2020 Adam King

Built with Gatsby